
time flies sooooo fast oh yeah I know it. 9 days ago >> April 25th 2013. Ines got her birthday and I've given her some little gifts that maybe can remind her about her childhood :)) ga dikasihin ke Ines langsung si. malem sebelumnya gitu Iva nitip ke Okta. eh tau Okta setelah berpuluh-puluh ribu jam ga ketemu haha XD Okta tambah.. guess what?! tambah genduuuuuuut. baik si buat pertumbuhan tapi hellooooooo.. dia kan udah SMA gitu. apa-apa kalo udah SMA kan kalo mau makan aja harus ngitung kalorinya -___- ohkay then, happy birthday to the birthday girl and of course my only betmen, Ines :)) ♥

brr.. bromo

hi guyssss.. you.. have.. to..  know..... that my friends and I have climbed Mount Bromo on 14th April, yesterday! WOOHOOO!!! YIPPIE! YAY! HURRAY! Yeah... so siiick you know!!! ga bisa diceritain semua deh soalnya paaaaanjaaaaang baaaaangeeeeet ceritanya. seeeeeruuuuu!!! but the incredible, amazing, amusing, astonishing, jos gandos moment nya itu ya pas mulut kita-kita bisa keluar asep kayak lagi abroad gitu deh hahaha Iva si yang paling ga 4L4Y ya soalnya yang ga pake gloves, terus ga pake penutup kepala juga hahaha soalnya lumayan ga dingin si tapi juga dingin banget .______. terus yang paling bikin nyesel si ya ga sempet beli bunga edelweiss hikshuks :( soalnya keburu capek si. as usual, here some cool pictures haha SMOKY MOUNTAIN Biddin's sexy ass "hug me please.." ulaulala~ can you find me? fyuuuh~ what? what? uyeah yeah.. yes, the most beautiful one is in the center haha

by the way..

kalo belom tau humoris♥ itu siapa, here they are... Boby Herafandy S :) both are beautiful haha English First Kediri haha Mishbahul Khoiron Gumelar :) hahaha Graduation :') coffee-ing look! at the sky! like they have wings for us ouch! my cool dracula Ines Husnun Tsaranuha :)

367 days, 8808 hours ago

Quality Time 19-12-2012

ya jadinya ke Malang sama temen-temen itu. hari Rabu, terus kita rame-rameaaaaaaan... panjaaang banget sih ceritanya. but, I have some pictures that would tell you about our vacation. enjoooy! have a sleep tight~ behind me! uuuh.. oh no Math!!! the focus is his NOSE haha so wet and rainyyyy my sandal pengganti my wet shoes see our beautiful smile! especially our teeth haha